Friday, December 17, 2010

New News for Those Who Love News

"So the science gets done and we make a neat gun for the people who are still alive." Here is a little reference to my last post. If you don't get it,click here. Good song and a great game.  Hey everyone.  Longtime no type, I know.  Even after I promised to write soon, I broke it. It's been a busy one, but it's time for an update and perhaps a little cake.

Since mid-October, I started working for another company called Lifeworks. Lifeworks is all about helping people with developmental disabilities. For more info, click here.  It's totally different from anything I've ever done, but I really enjoy it. After being hired as relief at Lifeworks, I tried working both there and my old job at Burgerville. It was really intense not having a life for the first few weeks. I'd go from one job to the next, then sleep, and get up and do it all over again.

After those initial weeks,  Lifeworks offered me a full time position in which I gladly accepted .  Upon receiving my new schedule from them, I realised I was not able to work both places and said fair well to a job I've worked for over 2 years. Since then, I've not looked back really. I miss my friends at Burgerville, but who says I can't hang out with them now? It's been 2 months, and I can not believe how happy I am doing what I am.  I see this as my career and would like to go back to school to help me improve my abilities in this field.

Since October, I've slowly been losing weight still. I'm down to 215.8lbs. That's a loss of about 12lbs!  Altogether, I've lost over 12inches off my midsection and have about 3 more inches I'd like to see gone! My new goal exercise wise is to focus on doing more weight training so I can put on more muscle while losing the bit of chunk that I still have. I've also started doing this as well when I run. It's helped a lot already and I've been doing it for only a few weeks.

I find a lot of my information on exercise and nutrition for free off websites like Youtube. Here are some of my favorite people so far, YuriScooby (although I think he's a little corny), Scott Herman (again, a little corny, but has great information), and Mode Athletes.  Men's Health has a few good books I personally like also. the Abs Diet, Weight free Workouts, and The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises are all great.

I hope to make more time to blog. I was doing so well for quite some time, but then again, life does happen and we all get busy at times. My reading has suffered as well, but I still do keep a book with me almost all the time to open up now and then. I'm currently finishing up a short tale from J.R.R. Tolkien called, "Leaf by Niggle." Just a few more pages and I'll be done. In my next blog, I'd like to post highlights of my year in photos, so look for that after Christmas. I may blog before then though, we shall see! I'll leave you with this video for now.  The song has been in my head, and it's been a theme in my heart lately as I reflect upon this past year or two.  If you have anything to ask, want to say, or suggest please leave a comment or msg me!

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