Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th

Today would have been my mother's 61st birthday. It's the first birthday my family and I have gone through without her here. Instead of making this a day of mourning, we've decided to celebrate the life Mom lived.  I spent it enjoying some time on the phone with my sister and later split a slice of cake with Kyle. Happy Birthday, Mom. We love and miss you so much!


  1. I'm sorry Mark! I am glad you decided to celebrate her though. She was a great mother and she deserves it!

  2. She obviously left too soon. Glad you are able to celebrate her life.

  3. Thank you. She did leave too soon, but what can I do other than be thankful for the time we had together? This thought of thanksgiving and the strong bond of my family is what has helped me to endure even after 9 months since her death.
