If my life were judged by my activity on here, the conclusion would easily be that I need to get out and live! Thankfully, this sad conclusion would be false. I've been quite busy on several projects, and life has been quite busy. I previously shared a 3 panel painting I simply titled, Koi. Since then, I've completed a mural, several crafty things. I impatiently waited for spring to get here while I started a few seedlings inside and improved on my craftiness. These photos aren't in chronological order, and are just a tad bit of all I've been up to these past several months.
One of several doodles I've done. This is one of my favorite! I love my cats! |
One of several murals I've completed. This is actually my first big painting I've done. Since this photo, I've added a few squirells, and an owl. |
Upclose of the blue bird. |
The this and the following photo are my first two
attempts of antiquing items. the light blue
birdhouse is my favorite. |
Recent sign I completed. This is my best lettering I've done yet. |
This was a really easy wreath idea I had. I should do a How-To post. |
Another recent item I had bought at a yardsale.
This jar w/lid was $1! I hated the lid, so I decided
to antique the top. It was really easy and I think it
turned out really well. I think I'm starting to get better. |
This is the color of the top. I left the underneath unchanged. |
I've seen these sold for $35 or more! I made mine for well under 5 dollars.
The frame was something I found at an estate sale for 25 cents. I had
paints, and the staple gun already. The chicken wire was given to me
but a whole roll was around 8 dollars if bought at the store.
I may make a few more to sell! |
I live up on the 3rd floor of an apartment building so
I don't have much of a yard. While waiting for spring
to make it's way to the NW, I decided to bring a little
greenery/feel of a yard indoors. I've made a few of
these. |
Another first for me: starting a garden indoors from scratch. |
I'm a little obsessed with country/rustic/birdhouse type items. lol |
I made this out of yard sticks I bought at Lowes'.
It's uneven, but has character. |
My 'yard' out front. This is just the beginning! |
This is the start of a mural I did for a friend. I had dedicated myself to
for well over a month. The finished project is too personal to post online,
but the people I did it for really enjoy it. |